महिला रेप विक्टिम की मेडिकल जांच नहीं कर सकते पुरुष चिकित्सक

Injury Report Format


Particulars of injuries – The person should be examined in a systematic way from front as well as back aspect from head to toe. Always depict the site of the injury and presence of stains and foreign material on the diagram. All the injuries should be recorded in a way as if you are giving a statement in the court. The following particulars of each and every injury must be recorded.

Type of injury like abrasion, bruise, wounds (lacerated, incised, punctured, etc.), fracture dislocation or burns etc.

Size – Exact dimensions (in centimeters) of each injury should be noted down in respect of its length, breadth and depth where ever possible.

Shape that is circular, oval, spindle, triangular, elliptical, crescentric, satellite, etc., margins/edges of wounds should be examined (by hands/lenses  where  ever  necessary),  regular  or  irregular  havingbruise on its vicinity, floor must be examined by just retracting the edges for seeing the tissue in it.  Foreign matter like grease, dirt, gravel,  straw,  coal,  paint,  glass,  weed,  metal,  palettes,  bullets, wads, clothes, hair etc. should be reported and must be preserved for further analysis.

Location and Direction of injuries.


Age of injuries – Colour changes and healing process.

Duration of injuries – Time lapsed between infliction of injuries and examination.

Nature of injuries like simple/grievous/dangerous.


Doctors shall specify the sub-section of the Section 320 IPC as given in the note below for declaring the injury to be grievous.


Note: As per section 320 of the Indian Penal  Code, only the following kinds of hurt are designated as “grievous” :-




  • Permanent privation of the sight of either eye.


  • Permanent privation of the hearing of either ear.


  • Privation of any member or joint.


  • Destruction or permanent impairing of the powers of any member or joint


  • Permanent disfiguration of the head or face.


  • Fracture or dislocation of a bone or tooth, and


Any hurt which endangers life or which causes the sufferer to be during the space of twenty days in severe bodily pain, or unable to follow his ordinary pursuits.

अस्पताल में मेडिको लीगल कार्य करने की जिम्मेदारी है किस डॉक्टर की ?